Tuesday 30 December 2014

Inugami-San to Nekoyama-San

And so the year ends with me talking about a Yuri Anime which has captured my heart. The manga was cute, but the anime was even cuter. I was disappointed to find that each episodes were only five minutes long, but in hindsight; I think it was better this way. The short doses of romance and over the top cuteness still managed to fuel my Yuri meter.

The chemistry between some characters are so ridiculous, that it's amazing. The chemistry between the main characters and some other supporting characters was so dang good. Especially that karaoke scene between Nekoyama and Nezu was very intense. Who knew a mouse could be so intimidating? Pretty much zero character development throughout the series, which is to be expected due to the immensely short timespan. Also, I'm glad they didn't try to make it seem more than what it was and just stuck dolling out sensual/cute moments between the characters.

Now the only thing missing is the part where they KISS!

Enjoyment: 5/5

Yuri: 9/10

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