Friday, 5 July 2013

Hataraku Maou-sama

Finished another series, Yay for me!

The 13 episode series was certainly long, in more ways than one. When i first started watching it, i found it refreshing. The comedic sense was good and the characters were certainly a blast to watch as they tried to adjust to their new surroundings.

Maou Sadao is actually the Demon overlord Satan from ente isle, who escapes into the modern world with his sidekick, Ashiya. The first few episodes show how maou gets a job at McRonalds (i laughed when i saw it) and Ashiya becomes a 'male-wife' who does the chores in their itty bitty rental house.

Maou bumps into a red headed girl at the traffic light and lends her his umbrella because of the rain. However, the red-headed girl discovers his identity and turns out to be the Hero who drove Overlord Satan into escaping; Emilia. I don't want to spoil the story for you so i will just summarize the first few episodes. Now for my thoughts on this anime.

Although i had to admit it was interesting, the story became stagnant after the fifth or sixth episode as the characters had already adjusted to their new lives. It tried to revive the story by adding several new characters such as Lucifer and Suzuno, but the plot had already went past the point of no return. I enjoyed the fantasy added into this anime because it spiced it up alot. But to my dismay, there wasn't many action scenes and majority of the episodes revolved around Maou working at McRonalds with Chiho or Emilia constantly checking up on him.

The second last episode started out good....before its bubble popped. One thing i had a problem with was the fact that Maou was ridiculously overpowered. I understand that he is the demon overlord but what use is an evil villain if we all know he's going to be defeated so easily? The fights last for about 2 to 4 mins max.

I have mixed feelings for this anime, however it proved to be a delight and a disappointment. My opinion is that they should have at least sent Maou back to ente isle for one episode instead of repeatedly showing the same thing; He goes to work, Emilia stalks him, they fight, he goes back home OR Bad-guy appears, beats him, Maou gets his powers, thrashes them and goes home.

I would say that the fantasy aspect of this series should have been brought out more, because it got boring midway through. HOWEVER, it was still enjoyable but i wouldn't want to watch it again. Though the fights were freaking awesome.

 Plot: The story hits a block. Refreshing at first but downhill after five to six episodes. 6/10

Characters: Pretty developed. They managed to explore Emilia's past, it was really touching.  8/10

Graphics: The fights were cool, but there were too little action scenes. The transformation of Maou was kinda overboard but Emilia's archangel form suited her well. 7/10

Recommendation: It was good, but for those who want a good plot, you better try something else. 3/5

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