Thursday, 15 October 2015

Crimson Peak - The movie with an identity crisis

When I walked out of the cinema this morning, I spent almost ten minutes in the toilet pondering on what I just watched. I had a mixture of emotions roiling inside me, which made me stop to think about what I just saw. And around nine hours later, I sit here, still not quite sure of what I did watch.

I was tremendously excited to watch this movie for several reasons. (a) It was a gothic romance, (b) The trailer made it looked superb, and (c) The cast of the movie looked freaking awesome. But strangely enough, it wasn't quite what I expected it to be. Could it be because my hopes for this movie were ridiculously high? Maybe. But Crimson Peak has some rather glaring flaws which might have attributed to how disappointing this film turned out to be.

Let's get this straight. Crimson Peak is not bad. In fact, I wished it turned out to be some stupid romance horror flick that I could just walk out of the cinema and say "Meh. That was awful." and go on my merry way. But it wasn't. And that, is what makes me torn. The problem, is that Crimson Peak isn't bad, but it is definitely not good either.

For starters, the plot was quite lackluster. It's straightforward, and plays out like one of those point and click adventure novels which makes it, unfortunately, quite predictable. You know how it will play out, thanks to the ample amount of foreshadowing, but it uses a straight forward formula that takes much of the 'mystery' aspect out of it. And we have to keep in mind that Crimson Peak isn't marketed as a 'Mystery' movie, so we can't really blame the darn thing for having such a lackluster mystery.

But on the other hand, Crimson Peak isn't a horror movie either. I'm no expert, but it doesn't really feel like a 'horror' movie would. Like Edith, our main female character, says at the beginning of the movie. It's not a ghost story. It's a story with ghosts in it. Well, okay. And therein lies the problem.

Crimson Peak does not know what it wants to be.

It's not scary enough for horror fans, It's doesn't have good enough plot for mystery fans, and while the romance makes the movie interesting, it isn't enough to save it. Crimson peak can't be classified by a genre, because it doesn't even know it should be classified as. The story goes from 'mystery' to 'romance' to 'horror' and then shockingly, ends with a sequence that seems like it would be a better fit in a slasher movie than in this one.


+Movie is stunning and very beautiful
+The cast and its acting is brilliant
+CGI is well done and doesn't feel cheap
+Sound effects are good


-Weak plot
-Unsatisfying payoff
-Movie is stuck between a smattering of genres
-A little too bloody despite being marketed as a gothic romance

Did I enjoy Crimson Peak? Yes.

Would I watch it again? No.

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