I think the third season is the most enjoyable out of the three so far. While the first two were enjoyable, i think that Natsume Yuujinchou San has something that the previous two did not. One of things, was that in this season, we begin to understand why Natsume has these contradicting feelings towards Youkai. Several of the episodes show his childhood in more depth, and how being able to see something others could not had affected him during his childhood. As a bonus, we also get to see how Natsume came to live with his current caretakers.
Another thing which sets season three out from the rest is that Natsume finally comes to a conclusion with his feelings towards both the Youkai, and the humans. That episode was a stunning conclusion to a fantastic season. As the two previous Natsume Yuujinchou animes, season three still deals with themes such as loneliness and forgiveness splendidly. It does not shove the lesson down your throat but instead, allows you to follow Natsume through his journey like an invisible mentor observing your charge.
The music is very calming, but i think that i preferred the previous two ending songs to this one. I feel it sorts of fall short when compared to the ending songs of the two previous seasons. Never the less, it is still enjoyable. The character development in Natsume Yuujinchou San is also fantastic. Plenty of supporting characters get their screen time, and it didn't feel as if it was too forced.
Plot: Story varies episode to episode but has very good pacing. 8/10
Characters: Major and minor character developments in this season. 8.5/10
Music: Ending was not quite as good as the previous two but manages to hold its own. 8/10
Recommended: To people who have watched the first two seasons and prefer episodic plots to one overarching story line.