Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Do not read if you are a fan)

Alright so i tried watching Gurren Lagann and made it up to episode 9.

Sad to say, i didn't enjoy it much. To begin with mecha animes are not really my cup of tea, and i apologize if i offended any Gurren Lagann fans who stumbled onto my review.

Well the first few episodes were great and i found it mighty interesting so i continued watching. But around the 6 episode or so i started to get weary of it. The same gags were being used over and over, and it seemed to center around Kamina more then Simon. But that wasn't what bothered me the most.

Firstly, i found it rather tiring to watch kamina fight all the gunmen which appeared because it would be the same running gag over and over. He would yell something outrageous about himself being the best and proceed to charge into the fight with no plan whatsoever. And his teamwork with Simon was practically ignored because Kamina got the credit for it. Honestly speaking, it had started to irritate me.

Secondly the characters of the show seemed to gather around Kamina and leave Simon in the dust. Most of the female characters they came across were fawning over him, Yoko included. Now i don't hold anything against Kamina because i agree that he was a pretty cool character, BUT they put him in the spotlight so much that after he died (spoiler) , the characters who loved him started bashing on Simon saying how useless he is and that he is unfit to be a leader.

I would say that this anime really disappointed me because my expectations were pretty high after i read several reviews on it saying how awesome and epic it was. Sadly, i got tired of the recurring fights and gags. I was also expecting a much better storyline, not just mindless battles with the enemy.

In the end people have different preferences, and this wasn't really my type, so to speak. Well one man's treasure may be another man's trash treasure and vice versa.

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