Thursday, 30 April 2015

The Wolf Among Us

Well, my plans for watching two animes in a month have gone down under. With the looming presence of school and temptation of games, it's difficult to prioritize i guess. But without further ado, let's get on with it yeah?

I was expecting great things for this game, and i have to say that i am NOT disappointed. The story was thrilling, each twist and turn was nicely done and without the use of horrible cliches while still making it feel original. Based off an award winning comic series, it's great that someone managed to do it justice.

This game works as a standalone, and since i haven't read Fables yet, I can't really say how this game compares to it. But after poking around the internet for some time, I found that The wolf among us is set several years before the first issue of Fables. So basically, it's a win win situation for the fans and newcomers like myself.

I really like games which let you have the freedom of choice, i.e how you choose to let your character react to situations and interactions with people. It definitely makes you feel much more 'connected' to the characters and the story which is a good thing, because you KNOW that the choices you make will affect what happen in the end,

The game graphics are really splendid, the noir look with a palette of dark and neon, it certainly fits the overall somber mood. Its pleasing to look at, and you can even gauge whether certain characters are lying by their facial features. It made me feel like a real detective on the scent of a criminal sans suspect, I try to read between their words and actions, and nothing is as it seems. The question i ask myself most frequently while playing this game is without a doubt:

Who's lying?

Overall, it is definitely a game all vita owners should try at least once. Unfortunately, one bone i have to pick with the game would probably be the exhausting loading times and the lag during action scenes. Or maybe the Vita just lacks the horse power to fully push the game to its full potential. Often times, i find myself thrown off during the game when i am about to make a decision. The game stutter to a halt, and leaves me panicked and angry, since there's always the chance that even a split second would render me unable to decide my character's fate.

I would second the Vita game, ONLY if you don't have a computer strong enough to handle the game. If you do have one, then i would suggest getting that instead of the vita version, as fun as it is. However, those who lack a good computer or just prefer consoles, then The Wolf Among Us is a must buy.